Meet Stephen and Ginny
Married 3yrs
How and where did you meet?
Ginny: We met at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, in Fort Worth, TX when I came up to the school to visit my older sister. Stephen was with a group of my sister’s friends when I met him, and we hit off, and became good friends, and then later started a long distance relationship before we ”officially” started dating which is about a year after we met. It was the best move I’ve ever made, because I was with the man I knew I’d marry.
Share something about each other that you admire:
Ginny: I just love how Stephen loves and serves our family, and is always working so hard to take really good care of us. He is a good encourager to me, and he is a blessing to be around. I appreciate how well he listens to my struggles and is always there to lead me closer to the Lord.
Stephen: I admire Ginny’s sensitive heart for the Lord’s leading in her life, and how she takes care of our son and teaches him about Jesus.
Share a challenge in your marriage that you have overcome together and how you overcame it:
During our first year of marriage, we lost our firstborn 6 days after she was born due to a lack of oxygen to her brain, because of distress on her and I during labor. That was the hardest thing we have ever had to go through and deal with. It was certainly a trial that could have torn us apart, but we are thankful for our salvation and HOPE in the Lord that has kept us strong and allowed us to get through the darkest time of our lives.
After you have overcome the situation, how has it made your marriage stronger?
It has been a long grief journey (of losing our daughter), but the Lord has been with us the whole way. We have grown stronger together and to the Lord, and it has been a blessing to see how well the Lord has brought comfort and peace to our lives. He blessed us with a son after we lost our daughter, and he brings us SO much joy! Our son has helped heal our hearts in so many ways, and we are grateful to the Lord for both of our children. Even though our daughter can not be with us, we are thankful for the time we had with her during those 6 short days, and we are so blessed and thankful for our time with our son each day.
Share a funny or interesting story.
We have had some really interesting and funny times together. Ginny: One that sticks out to me, is the time that Stephen backed his car into a dumpster while we were dating. He had just dropped me off the at the girls dorm. He was not looking behind him, but at me while he was backing up, and he smashed his back window in. He was so shaken up and shocked, that he just fled the scene and didn’t say a word to me (even though I watched the WHOLE thing!). I later found out that he was scared of getting in trouble with security, for backing into the dumpster and leaving the glass everywhere. Now we laugh about it, but it was interesting having a duck tape/ card board window in his car.