Meet Hasani and Danielle
Married 9yrs
How and where did you meet?
We met via email. Danielle: My girlfriend dragged me to this empowerment workshop that would be hosted by a guy that she said was so phenomenal. I was not interested at ALL but I went. He was PHENOMENAL! I felt compelled to sow into his ministry financially one day, but God told me to do it immediately and I did. I sent an email and the money and told him how motivating he was and how I would be sowing from time to time and he then offered to mentor me.
Share something that you admire about each other:
Hasani: I admire Danielle’s sense of humor.
Danielle: I admire how Hasani becomes the designated leader of any group he involves himself in.
Share a challenge in your marriage that you have overcome together and how you overcame it:
We went through a long season where we didn’t see eye to eye on anything. There was no emotional connection and we kind of intended on just drag it out that way. But through counsel and a lot of hard work, we worked out those issues and are now enjoying a fulfilling passion filled marriage with purpose!
After you have overcome the situation, how has it made your marriage stronger?
We’ve learned that there is a real power that exists within a single-minded marriage. We learned how to put our faith hearts and minds towards something and reap real change in our marriage. Now we come together touching and agreeing on everything. We found our flow and we are happier than ever.
Share a funny or interesting story.
Danielle: Before Hasani and I got married, we served our Pastors at the church we went to. He was always with the Pastor and I was always with his wife at the time. Well one day the Pastor was preaching and he said something sooooo loud that an old lady in the pews jerked from the shock. Hasani: We both looked at each other as we tried to keep our composure because we were visible to the congregation. It took everything in us to keep from bursting out loud with laughter. It was such an uncomfortable feeling because we really thought we would be heard!! We still crack up just remembering it to this day.