Money Tips and More
with Tai and Talaat!
Money is one of the number one reasons why marriages fall apart. It can be difficult to get both spouses on the same page financially. What happens when a saver marries a spender? Well…that’s our story. Let us formally introduce ourselves; we are Talaat and Tai McNeely founders of Before our marriage ever began, we found ourselves in quite a difficult situation.
We were total opposites when it came to how we handled our finances. Talaat was a natural spender who was deep in debt with a bad terrible credit score. Conversely, Tai was a natural saver who had no debt whatsoever and coupled that feat with an outstanding credit score. We were faced with many questions prior to us getting married.
• Do we let our credit scores dictate if we are compatible for marriage?
• How will our previous money habits play a role in our marriage?
• Do we merge our finances together?
• How can we work together to become better at life and win with money?
• Is there any hope for our future?
• What does it feel like when one spouse has zero debt to now having $30,000 in debt?
• Am I a loser because I have now made my debt problems my future spouse’s problems?
• Can I change or is my past really who I am?
• Should I have a secret account just in case our money situation gets worse?
• How will we purchase a home? Do we put it in both of our names and risk having a low interest rate due to the lower credit score?
• Do I have to take full responsibility for our finances simply because I’m better at it?
• When do we start to expand our family?
• Will we have to rely on two incomes to run our home?
• What will our lives look like 5 years from now?
You can read more about our story here:
By the grace of God we made it through a difficult time in our relationship and we have been married for 9 years! This has not been a cake walk, but it has been rewarding. We came together as a TEAM and became totally debt free! We are on a mission to save marriages and teach them how to work together and win with money.
We will share money tips and articles here on to help you gain control over your finances. What would you do if money was not an option? What goals and dreams do you aspire to achieve? What is holding you back? Is it possibly money, or maybe a job that you have to work at, to pay bills that you don’t want to pay?
We’ve been in debt, lots of debt…………. TWICE! We started our marriage off weighed down with various types of debt including car loans, signature bank loans, payday loans, credit card debt to name a few. To date we have totally eliminated every ounce of consumer debt and are DEBT FREE! We are now on a mission to totally eliminate our home mortgage! There was nothing easy or magical about the process. It took a great deal of hard work and dedication. It was hard work…because in our eyes it was a huge amount of debt, that was going to take time and perseverance to make it through.
It took a great deal of dedication because of the fact that ALL of the debt that we began our marriage with came from ONE spouse. We put in a ton of work together to climb out the pit of debt and get ourselves on solid footing financially. It is our goal to show you how we did it and encourage you to realize that you can do it too.
please help me I feel alone. God is my strength but I believe he can use outside resources to help us.