Archive for the ‘Featured Couples’ Category.
Meet Carl and Dora

How and where did you meet?
We met on a blind date, on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 1970, arranged by friends of ours!
Share something about each other that you admire:
Dora: I admire how Carl does whatever he can to ease my hurt. When something is bothering me, it shows it bothers him. Love him so much.
Carl: Love her loving and forgiving spirit. It’s because of her love for God we are still together.
Share a challenge in your marriage that you have overcome together and how you overcame it.
We have had many problems in our marriage: unfaithfulness, financial problems, eviction, repossesion. It came to a point I (Dora) just wanted to give up. I knew there had to be a better life than what I was living. But I gave my marriage over to God. My earthly father told me to be quiet and stop arguing with Carl, and that Carl is a good husband. God answered my prayers!
After you have overcome the situation, how has it made your marriage stronger?
After overcoming the situation in our marriage, and knowing most importantly that we love each other, has made our marriage much stronger. We still have problems, but we deal with them together, and we remember the vows we took! God is so GOOD!
Share a funny or interesting story.
What’s interesting about our marriage: We were given 6 months for our marriage to last. Many said it wouldn’t last. It’s been 42 years and we are still in LOVE!!!!

Meet Jenn & Austin
How and where did you meet?
Austin and I met through mutual friends. My best friend was dating one of his friends and they thought that we would make a cute couple. The first time we hung out we went to a casino to hear my favorite country singer perform. We were late to the concert and I was not happy about it. So I guess you can say things didn’t start off without a hitch. There was a little hesitation on my part in the beginning. I couldn’t believe my best friend thought this man was a good choice for me. Not long after hanging out more often, Austin got a haircut and wore his glasses the next time I saw him and it was love from there. (See a little polishing up can make a huge difference). We dated for 3 years and have been married for 2.
Share something about each other that you admire.
Jenn: What I admire most about Austin is that he always puts his family first. He is a hard worker and provides for us on a daily basis. He loves the Lord and is a great spiritual leader for the family.
Austin: I admire how Jenn always puts her family’s wants and needs before her own. I admire what a wonderful mother she is and the fact that she always takes time every night to pray with our daughter and tell her about God and his Son, Jesus Christ, which is the most important thing we could do for her.
Share a challenge in your marriage that you have overcome together and how you overcame it.
Throughout our marriage we have overcome a lot of obstacles. Before we married, we gave birth to our first child, who we love dearly. As everyone knows, babies are hard on a relationship. Especially for us because we were still learning to adapt to each other’s lifestyles as two individuals merging together into one family. There were everyday adjustments as well as personal adjustments. We had no time for dating and rarely got to enjoy each other’s company while dealing with a screaming infant and waking up every few hours to feed and rock our daughter back to sleep. When we weren’t busy doing those things, we were preparing for them. So we had to step back and reevaluate how to handle the situation and make it a point to focus on each other’s feelings.
After you have overcome the situation, how has it made your marriage stronger?
We are stronger and closer, but we still have to take each day at a time. Life is always busy and sometimes you have to stop and enjoy the moment before you lose it. Once it is gone, we cannot get it back. We love each other very much and do our best to show each other each day. Prayer is very important in our marriage and without it I don’t know how we as a couple would survive.
Share a funny or interesting story.
I think it is pretty interesting that Austin and I are both adopted. He was adopted when he was an infant and I when I was 16 years old. I think the Lord knew just what he was doing putting us together. Personal and life experiences are what draw people together and that is what happened with us. My husband is my best friend, my rock, my protector, and a great Christian role model for our family. I couldn’t ask for anyone better.