
If your Spouse is doing the best they can to provide for the family, make the very best out of it. Don’t complain.

Don’t give up. You’ll gain strength when you’re going through trials. The strongest marriages come from the greatest pains.

God is Love. By keeping Him at the center of your marriage, He will continue to bid you together as one.

When you invest the best of you into your Marriage, your return will always be greater.

Stay busy doing what is required to strengthen your marriage and it will leave less time to be concerned with what can destroy it.

Prioritize. Earning an income is necessary, but don’t allow your job to become more important than your Spouse.

He is your King. She is your Queen. If you desire the best from your Spouse, treat them with the highest honor.

Be mature and considerate. Never allow a disagreement to lead to disrespect.

Pay no attention to the critics. Your Marriage IS a strong contender against life’s struggles. And, as long as you stay in it, and work at it, you WILL win it.

Do not bottle up your feelings. Express your feelings openly and respectfully, even if you know that they may make your spouse unhappy. Releasing your feelings is all a part of you and your spouse’s healing.